Cedrus atlantica
English: Cedarwood
Sanskrit/Indian: Deodar
Russian: Кедр атласский

General information:
The Deodar tree grows in abundance in the Himalayas. Its Sanskrit name, Devadaru, means ‘Wood of the Gods’. The inner wood yields an essential oil which has many uses. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in alleviating joint pain. According to Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary by C.P. Khare, the aqueous extract of the bark supports normal blood sugar levels in the body.
Deodar oil contains two major sesquiterpenoids a - and ß- himachalenes. Deodardione (1) and deodardione (2) are also isolated from the essential oil. The oil shows invitro antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity.
- Deodar oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which alleviate joint pain due to arthritis and rheumatism.
- The oil removes toxins from the bowel and improves digestive function.
- The oil is used to treat skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.